Friday, November 28, 2008

What? 12:30 am!!

Hello friends and family. I do have pictures to post since we have had the chance to get out and do some more exploring. I will get to it later today. Just thought I would show you what a little one looks like at 12:30 am. I put her down around 8:30 and thought she was out for the night. She woke me up, chattering away and reaching for me in the bed. I guess she thought it was time to get up and play. The bottom picture is the look I'm getting a lot of with my camera. She will be smiling and laughing and we just can't seem to get it on the picture. Our cameras have a light flash before the picture actually takes and I think it startles her. So, we get this look from her which does not show her vibrant personality. I can't wait for all of you to meet her.

1 comment:

chris said...

omg- could she be any cuter??? we are counting the days.
chris ruby and hazel